Wednesday, August 17, 2011

On Hiatus...

For any of you still following out there, you may have noticed there haven't been many blog posts this summer. I've noticed as well - and while I haven't been blogging, I have been thinking about it a lot! And all that thinking finally led me to a decision to take a break for a while.

I love what I've learned while writing this blog and so appreciate each and every one of you that followed Our Kids Earth and shared your questions and thoughts. It's been a great discussion and has challenged me to grow in my thinking and my actions. I am trying to focus more on my freelance writing and work on finishing a young adult novel I've been writing. Maybe I'll be back here again one day, but for now, I'll just say - go out and enjoy our great planet!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Open Your Eyes. Open Your Heart. Open Your Mind.

I just saw this video from TedxSF and I thought it was a great reminder for all of us to keep our heart, mind, and eyes open to the world around us. The video is 10 minutes, but has some great photography, and inspiring thoughts from both a young girl and a wise, old man. Enjoy!

If you haven't checked out TED talks or heard of the conference, you should check it out. TED originally stood for Technology, Entertainment, and Design and was about bringing these different people together. Today it has evolved into something much bigger, but with a simple mission: to spread ideas.

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