Thursday, September 23, 2010

National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day

The DEA is sponsoring a National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day this Saturday, September 25th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at thousands of sites across the United States. Why should you care?
  • Leftover prescription drugs in a medicine cabinet can be dangerous for young children (accidental ingestion) or older children (prescription drug abuse is America's fastest growing drug problem).
  • Disposing of the drugs by flushing them down the toilet or tossing them in the garbage can lead to pollution of either the water or the ground.
Dietary supplement pills in four colors (orang...Image via WikipediaWhile many states have other drug take-back programs, this one is unique because it accepts narcotics. You might think you don't have any of these controlled substances in your house, but many people have half-full bottles leftover from past surgery, injuries, or dental appointments. I just checked my medicine cabinet and discovered a nearly full bottle of liquid Oxycodone (leftover from my son's elbow surgery) that I'll be dropping off on Saturday.
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